About the permissions required by the app when adding a MOCREO device ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Bluetooth permissions - Devices running on Android: 1. On Android ≥12 (API ≥31), it is necessary to proactively obtain the "Nearby Devices" permission, and it is no longer necessary to obtain the location permission. 2. On Android ≤11 (API ≤30) and lower, because they are implicitly granted at build time, i.e., they don't need to be actively obtained, but they do need to be actively obtained for the "location" permission. - Devices running on iOS: 1. On iOS ≥13, Bluetooth authorization for the app is required. 2. On iOS ≤12 and lower, authorization is granted by default and Bluetooth permissions are not required. 3. Calling Bluetooth functionality on iOS does not require location functionality and permissions. - Notification permissions - Devices running on Android: - On Android 13 and above, notification permissions are required to send notifications to apps. - On Android ≤12 versions, authorization is granted by default. - Devices running on iOS: - iOS does not require relevant settings. - File read and write permissions - Devices running on Android: - File read permissions on Android 13: - READ_MEDIA_IMAGES: accesses images written by other applications. - READ_MEDIA_VIDEO: Access video written by other applications. - EAD_MEDIA_AUDIO: Access audio written by other applications. - On Android 13, please do not try to check or dynamically request READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE or WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permissions anymore, the system will simply reject them. - Please note that in the vast majority of cases, we only need to save our own media files to the media library, not replace or delete files from other applications. - The file read/write permissions on Android ≤12 are READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE and WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE. - Devices running on iOS: - iOS does not require relevant settings.