How do I change the email used to login to my MOCREO account? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Currently, we do not support directly changing the email account used to login. You will need to create a new account. `Click <../setup/how-to-create-an-account.html>`_ to view how to create a new MOCREO account. Changing the email account does not require you to re-bind your sensors. You will just need to set up the Hub again with your new account (if you are using ST5/ST6/ST7/SW2 device `ST5 <../setup/temp-sensor-st5.html>`_ / `ST6 <../setup/climate-sensor-st6.html>`_ / `ST7 <../setup/temp-sensor-st7.html>`_ / `SW2 <../setup/temp-sensor-st7.html>`_ ,you will need to set up the sensor again). - If you want to change your email alerts, please click on `how to change my email alerts <../alerts/how-to-change-my-email-alerts-.html>`_.