How do I reset/delete the Hub from my account? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - If you want to remove a Hub from your account so that you can use it on another account or because you want to sell it or give it away, you will need to follow these tips: - MOCREO does not currently support Hub delete function, and this function will be available in later version, stay tuned! - If you want to use your Hub on another account, just follow the Hub set-up steps again and set it up on the new account. - After successful setup on the new account, the Hub will disappear from the old account. - If you want to reset the Hub, you will need to follow these tips: - Use a pin to press and hold the reset button on the back of the Hub for 5s, until the Hub beeps. The Hub is reset. - After resetting the Hub, you need to reset the Hub and the sensor (but ST5/ST6/ST7/SW2 do not need to be reset, and the sensor needs to be reset only when changing the MOCREO account), so it is generally not recommended to reset the Hub.