Single pack ---------------------- 1. Once the Hub is successfully paired, use a paperclip to tap the sensor and confirm that the sensor status light is flashing. If the sensor status light is flashing frequently, proceed to the next step. If the sensor status light blinks and then stops, use a paperclip to hold the sensor's pinhole for 6 seconds until the sensor status light is flashing frequently. 2. Go to Home>>>Add>>>Sensor>>>Select the Hub for binding. 3. The Hub will emit a beep. Follow the screen prompts to operate the sensor. **I've tried and the sensor won't set up or it keeps telling me the request failed, what should I do?** We apologize for the inconvenience. However, the following steps can help resolve your issue: - Use a paperclip to tap the sensor and confirm that the sensor status light is flashing. If the sensor status light is flashing frequently, proceed to the next step. If the sensor status light blinks and then stops, use a paperclip to hold the sensor's pinhole for 5 seconds until the sensor status light is flashing frequently. - Pair through the Hub portal: Menu>>>Hubs>>>Settings>>>Open Hub's Web Portal>>>Password"password">>>Nodes>>>Allow Node(s) Pairing with This Hub>>>The Hub will emit a beep. Hold the sensor for 6 seconds. If you still have problems, please contact us( for more help.